mecom member of OASIS OPEN
How can digital standards improve and become more uniform? This is what the non-profit consortium OASIS Open deals with. We are pleased to be a member of OASIS with immediate effect. The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, OASIS for short, is an international organisation for the development of open interoperable and globally applicable standards for markup languages (SDO). The standardisation of alerts is another issue to which OASIS dedicates itself. For instance, the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (EM-TC) developed the standard Common Alerting Protocol (CAP). CAP is a simple but common XML format for the exchange of emergency warnings and public alerts via all kinds of networks. This standard enables the simultaneous distribution of consistent alerts via many different warning systems, which increases the effectiveness of the warning and simplifies the alerting process. For mecom, this is a very relevant topic close to our hearts. Consequently, we became a part of OASIS and our technical consultants contribute their expertise to the international project.