mecom attends EENA Conference in Valencia (Spain)

From April 24 to 26, 2024 the EENA Conference & Exhibition 2024 takes place in Valencia. We will attend for the first time.
mecom at the conference of the German National Research and Education Network (DFN)

This year’s DFN conference took place in Hamburg on 30 and 31 January 2024. We were there.
Parliamentary Evening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

On October 12, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which mecom contributed, ended with a Parliamentary Evening. How does risk communication succeed in times of crisis? Since July, an exhibition at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Berlin Museum of Communication), to which we contributed together with other members of project MIRKKOMM, had been dedicated to this topic. On October 12, the program accompanying the exhibition ended with a Parliamentary Evening in the impressive atrium of the Museum of Communication. Gudrun Menze, one of our colleagues involved in the preparation of the exhibition, was present on site. The Parliamentary Evening was organized by the German Committee for Disaster Risk Reduction e.V. (DKKV) and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in cooperation with the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). Together, they had set up an inspiring and entertaining evening. Our highlight was a very amusing piece of impro theater on the topic of disaster management, in which the actors spontaneously “invented” the scenes upon prompts from the audience. In addition, the DKKV’s sponsorship prize was awarded, and Petra Weber, head of the resilience center in the South German district Ostalbkreis, gave impulses on the topic of “Regional resilience”. Welcoming addresses were given by Anja Schaluschke (Director of the Museum for Communication), Andreas Hensel (President of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), Leon Eckert (Chairman of DKKV) and Ralph Tiesler (#BBK President). The all-around successful evening ended with lots of networking and exchange. Our thanks go to the organizers for the great conclusion to the exhibition “#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic”.
mecom new member of Cyber Security Cluster Bonn e.V.

Around 100 members from the segments business, science and politics contribute to the Cyber Security Cluster Bonn e.V. As of late, we also belong to the association. Cyber Security Cluster Bonn serves to promote and network science, research and education, business, authorities and public institutions. The association brings together cumulative cyber security knowledge, years of expertise, comprehensive know-how and high-end technology. The result is an innovative IT security cluster, in which business, politics and research combine their unique competencies in an optimal manner. Cyber Security Cluster Bonn was developed from one out of 300 project ideas created within the scope of the Initiative Digitales Bonn (Digital Bonn Initiative). The association was founded in 2018. Alongside around 100 other members from all over Germany, we will contribute to the association with immediate effect. Our core competency is safety-critical communication. Consequently, cyber security is right at the top of our agenda. We look forward to collaborating in the association and to contributing our expertise to the joint development of cyber security with other important players.
Nationwide Alert Day 2023: Modular Warning System (MoWaS) successfully triggered trial alert

Hamburg. The Nationwide Alert Day 2023 took place throughout Germany today.[A1] A test alert was triggered at 11 a.m. and transmitted on all warning channels in the country. The annual Nationwide Alert Day serves to draw public attention in Germany to information and warning channels in the event of natural disasters, terrorism and cyber- or armed attacks. On this day, the federal government, the federal states and numerous local authorities, municipalities and cities test the function and connection of all relevant alert multipliers and alert systems. The main focus of the Alert Day is the Modular Warning System (MoWaS), which mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH developed and has been operating for the Federal Republic of Germany since 2001 on behalf of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK). MoWaS is used nationwide by connected alert stations as a central message hub for issuing official public alerts. “From our point of view, the Nationwide Alert Day was very successful again this year,“ said Alexander Feldmann, Managing Director of mecom. “Our entire technical infrastructure surrounding the Modular Warning System worked reliably as expected. We are pleased that we were able to contribute significantly to the success of the Alert Day for all partners involved.“ The nationwide stress test of the alert system was preceded by months of preparation at mecom. Mandy Best, who manages the company together with Alexander Feldmann, added: “Our entire team works continuously and intensively to ensure that the Modular Warning System functions smoothly around the clock, 365 days a year, so that people in Germany can be warned of dangers promptly at all times. We are proud that we have been successfully carrying out this responsible project together with the BBK and other partners for more than 20 years and are constantly developing it further.“ About the Alert Day: On the Nationwide Alert Day, the federal and state governments as well as the participating districts, district-free cities and municipalities test their alert equipment in a joint exercise. Participation is voluntary; not all local authorities take part. In the course of the Alert Day, the participating authorities and emergency services activate different alert systems such as radio and television, digital city display boards, the Cell Broadcast system launched in February 2023 or warning apps. The existing alert systems are tested depending on their availability and operational capability. In this way, the technical processes in the event of an alert and also the alert systems themselves can be checked for their proper functioning and possible weaknesses. Afterwards, the responsible authorities carry out improvements, if necessary, to make the public alert system even safer. The Nationwide Alert Day also serves the purpose of informing people in Germany about the public alert system. This enables them to react faster and more effectively in the event of an emergency. About mecom: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH (in short: mecom), based in Hamburg, was founded in 1989 and is a joint venture of the news agencies dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH, KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH, GEP Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH with epd and AFP Agence France-Presse GmbH. dpa is the largest shareholder with 50 percent of mecom shares. As a modern IT service provider, mecom designs and operates innovative and customised solutions for professional high-security and communication applications. This includes, for example, the reliable transmission of sensitive data via satellite using its own satellite ground stations in the broadcast process or via web technology. About MoWaS: mecom develops and operates the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) for the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a powerful alert and communication system used by the federal government and the federal states to warn and inform the population in the event of civil protection emergencies and disasters. Alert messages are transmitted simultaneously in real time via numerous channels. The system is tamper-proof and resistant to power failures or failures of the terrestrial transmission channels. Contact: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH Mittelweg 143 20148 Hamburg E-Mail: Telephone: +40 40 4113-32800 [A1]on September 14
Filmic review of the exhibition opening at the Berliner Museum für Kommunikation

Two weeks ago, we attended a vernissage in Berlin at the Museum für Kommunikation (Berlin Museum of Communication). Since 13 July, the exhibition “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic), to which we contributed in terms of organization and content, has been running there. The exhibition shows initial research results of project MIRKKOMM on pandemic communication. We are a practice partner in this research project sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Since the fall of 2022, we have been examining the risk and crisis communication of the federal government, states and municipalities during the corona pandemic together with other players, such as the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Technische Universität Ilmenau or Europa-Universität Viadrina. In a short video, we got the protagonists of the project in front of the camera and captured their impressions of the exhibition. For their statements we thank Dr. Annett Schulze (BfR), Prof. Dr. Michael Beuthner (SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz (TU Ilmenau), Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bucher (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT), Dr. Robert Frau (Europa-Universität Viadrina) and our colleague Gudrun Menze.
mecom co-organises exhibition on pandemic communication at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin/ Opening on 13 July 2023

Berlin. “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic) is the title of a temporary exhibition that will open on 13 July 2023 at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Berlin Museum of Communication). mecom contributes content to and is involved in the organisation of this event. As a practice partner, mecom participates in a project on pandemic communication with the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and initial research results from this project will be presented in the exhibition. The joint project “Optimierung der Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation von Regierungen, Behörden und Organisationen der Gesundheitssicherung” (MIRKKOMM) is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and has, since the autumn of 2021, been examining the risk and crisis communication of the federal government, states, municipalities, media and new public actors during the corona pandemic. Since mecom acts as a practice partner in project MIRKKOMM, it also plays a significant role in the exhibition on corona communication. Until October 2023, visitors will have the opportunity to look into the digital communication strategies of authorities, the media and influencers and get insights into the communicative dynamics of a pandemic. “We are very pleased to contribute to a project as important as MIRKKOMM and the accompanying public exhibition for the Federal Republic of Germany, together with the BfR, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and further high-level institutions such as SHR Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie and Europa-Universität Viadrina,” states Mandy Best, Managing Director at mecom. “The Modular Warning System (MoWaS) plays a crucial role in MIRKKOMM and hence also in the exhibition,” says Alexander Feldmann, Managing Director at mecom. “MoWaS, which we are developing and operating for the BBK, generates and disseminates official public alerts and is, especially in times of crisis, an important instrument to alert the population in a quick, transparent and appropriate manner. Therefore, we are running a usability study to investigate how MoWaS can be optimised for users. Together with our project partners, we will present the first findings in the exhibition at the Museum of Communication, and demonstrate how MoWaS was utilised during the pandemic.” The exhibition “#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic” takes visitors on an interactive journey through the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and revisits the past three years. Guests can experience the communication surrounding the pandemic with the help of wall screens, a multitouch table and an interactive projection. The exhibition will open at the Museum of Communication on 13 July with a vernissage. Guests include experts from the fields of science and practice as well as representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. BfR President Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel will give a welcoming address. The exhibition will be open to the public until 15 October. Afterwards, it will also be shown in Frankfurt am Main, where it will be on display from 9 November 2023 until March of 2024. About mecom: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH (mecom for short) with headquarters in Hamburg was founded in 1989 and is a joint venture of the news agencies dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH, KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH, GEP Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH with epd and AFP Agence France-Presse GmbH. dpa is the major shareholder and holds a 50 per cent stake in mecom. As a modern IT services provider, mecom designs and operates innovative and customised solutions for professional communication applications. This includes, in particular, the reliable transmission of sensitive data via satellite in broadcast mode or via web technology. About MoWaS: mecom develops and operates the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) for the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a powerful warning and communication system used by the federal and state governments as well as municipalities to alert and inform the public. The alerts are transmitted via satellite. As opposed to land-based transmission methods such as VHF or mobile communication, satellite communications are less sensitive to interference such as power outages. Contact: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH Mittelweg 143 20148 Hamburg Germany Email: Phone: +40 40 4113-32800 Further information on the exhibition:
mecom co-organises exhibition on pandemic communication at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin/ Opening on 13 July 2023

Berlin. “#Krisenalltag – Kommunikation in der Pandemie” (#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic) is the title of a temporary exhibition that will open on 13 July 2023 at the Museum für Kommunikation Berlin (Berlin Museum of Communication). mecom contributes content to and is involved in the organisation of this event. As a practice partner, mecom participates in a project on pandemic communication with the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), and initial research results from this project will be presented in the exhibition. The joint project “Optimierung der Risiko- und Krisenkommunikation von Regierungen, Behörden und Organisationen der Gesundheitssicherung” (MIRKKOMM) is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and has, since the autumn of 2021, been examining the risk and crisis communication of the federal government, states, municipalities, media and new public actors during the corona pandemic. Since mecom acts as a practice partner in project MIRKKOMM, it also plays a significant role in the exhibition on corona communication. Until October 2023, visitors will have the opportunity to look into the digital communication strategies of authorities, the media and influencers and get insights into the communicative dynamics of a pandemic. “We are very pleased to contribute to a project as important as MIRKKOMM and the accompanying public exhibition for the Federal Republic of Germany, together with the BfR, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) and further high-level institutions such as SHR Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie and Europa-Universität Viadrina,” states Mandy Best, Managing Director at mecom. “The Modular Warning System (MoWaS) plays a crucial role in MIRKKOMM and hence also in the exhibition,” says Alexander Feldmann, Managing Director at mecom. “MoWaS, which we are developing and operating for the BBK, generates and disseminates official public alerts and is, especially in times of crisis, an important instrument to alert the population in a quick, transparent and appropriate manner. Therefore, we are running a usability study to investigate how MoWaS can be optimised for users. Together with our project partners, we will present the first findings in the exhibition at the Museum of Communication, and demonstrate how MoWaS was utilised during the pandemic.” The exhibition “#Daily crisis business – communication during the pandemic” takes visitors on an interactive journey through the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and revisits the past three years. Guests can experience the communication surrounding the pandemic with the help of wall screens, a multitouch table and an interactive projection. The exhibition will open at the Museum of Communication on 13 July with a vernissage. Guests include experts from the fields of science and practice as well as representatives of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. BfR President Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel will give a welcoming address. The exhibition will be open to the public until 15 October. Afterwards, it will also be shown in Frankfurt am Main, where it will be on display from 9 November 2023 until March of 2024. About mecom: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH (mecom for short) with headquarters in Hamburg was founded in 1989 and is a joint venture of the news agencies dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH, KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH, GEP Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH with epd and AFP Agence France-Presse GmbH. dpa is the major shareholder and holds a 50 per cent stake in mecom. As a modern IT services provider, mecom designs and operates innovative and customised solutions for professional communication applications. This includes, in particular, the reliable transmission of sensitive data via satellite in broadcast mode or via web technology. About MoWaS: mecom develops and operates the Modular Warning System (MoWaS) for the Federal Republic of Germany. This is a powerful warning and communication system used by the federal and state governments as well as municipalities to alert and inform the public. The alerts are transmitted via satellite. As opposed to land-based transmission methods such as VHF or mobile communication, satellite communications are less sensitive to interference such as power outages. Contact: mecom Medien-Communikations-Gesellschaft mbH Mittelweg 143 20148 Hamburg Germany Email: Phone: +40 40 4113-32800 Further information on the exhibition:
First Day of Civil Protection

For the first time ever, Germany’s federal government and the state of Brandenburg jointly hosted a Day of Civil Protection on June 24, 2023. The initiative aims to strengthen the population’s capabilities to help itself in cases of emergency and to attract talent for civil protection agencies. We are pleased that awareness of this issue is growing. There are plans to organise an annual nationwide Day of Civil Protection as of 2024. We regard this as an important initiative worth supporting. With our Modular Warning System (MoWaS), which we are operating for the German Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK), we are an important player in the segment. We help to ensure that the population in Germany can always be reliably warned of dangers. At the same time as the Day of Civil Protection, a state-wide Alert Day also took place in Brandenburg on June 24, which was a great overall success.
Network meeting of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Research thrives on exchange. Therefore, we were pleased to be part of the networking event hosted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in June 2023. The ministry had invited the people in charge of various research projects to Bonn. This included those responsible for project MIRKKOMM, in which mecom is involved as a practice partner, together with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and several universities. The project investigates the risk and crisis communication of governments, authorities and health protection organisations during the corona pandemic. Our colleague Michaela Weber represented our MIRKKOMM team on site in Bonn. The main focus of the BMBF event was networking with the leaders of other projects. Topics of exchange included (risk) communication with the public, the population as an affected party and actor, the transformation caused by the corona pandemic as well as multi-level politics and governance. Other subjects of debate were social media and cross-sectional issues such as interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition, the effectiveness of the projects and possible cooperations were discussed, so that even more profitable synergies can be created between the projects in the future. In the photo (from the left): Dr. Annett Schulze (BfR), Katrin Schleicher (TU Ilmenau), Prof. Dr. Martin Löffelholz (TU Ilmenau), Bettina Boy (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT), Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Bucher (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT), Fabian Brand (BfR), Alena Biegert (Bfr), Michaela Weber (mecom).